*Scott Roe, LMT

General Manager

Licensed Massage Therapist. Graduate of the North Coast Medical Training Academy.


*Cherie Gang, LMT, LE

Licensed Massage Therapist and Esthetician. Graduate of Cleveland Institute of Medical Massage. Can do Swedish, Deep Tissue, Pregnancy, Sports massage as well as Trigger Point, Reflexology and chair massage.




Katie-photoKatie Jernigan 

General Manager, Emeritus

Certified Advanced Reiki Practitioner.


IMG_0720-AJack Hayes    

President, Licensed Massage Therapist

Jack has been the president/owner of Connecting Touch since 1995. He acts as the CEO, COO, CFO, Massage Therapist, Head Custodian, Marketing Director, HR Person, Networking Guru, IT person and "other duties as assigned”. His goal is to continue to be the best massage therapy wellness center in the known universe (and beyond), providing high quality therapy sessions by highly trained massage therapists.  Jack is a U.S. Military Veteran, serving with the 25th Infantry Division out of Cu Chi Vietnam.  Connecting Touch is Veteran-Owned business and a member of the National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NVOBA).